4 Keys to Living Out God’s Vision For Your Life

Purpose & Calling

Confident Woman

Dec 6, 2021

It is critical that as we are walking out this life, we are living intentionally as we align ourselves with God’s plan for our lives.

If we are not strategically seeking God’s vision for our lives, we may drift off course and miss what God wants to accomplish here on earth through us.

When you have a Christ-centered vision for your life, you will be fueled with God’s grace and power daily.

God’s plan for your life is far beyond any plan you can dream up or imagine; you don’t want to settle for anything less.

Perhaps you are preparing for a new season in your life, if so it’s time to re-calibrate and get a clear vision on how God wants you to move forward.

I’ve mistakenly thought to only focus on a vision for my career, but God cares about all areas of our lives.

It’s important that we seek out God’s vision for our health, our family, our relationships, our marriages, or our single seasons, our finances and so forth.

We want to live out our lives lacking nothing as God originally intended for us.

Let’s unpack some strategies on how you can ensure you’re living out a Christ-centered vision.



Sometimes life can get hectic as we try to be everything for everyone who needs us. Our priorities may shift in the process as we strive to meet the demands of life.

But our focus to live out God’s will for our lives should be unwavering. When seeking clarity on God’s vision for our lives we must also create space to receive the vision.

Be still before God and clear out all distractions to receive His divine instructions. Trust that God will speak to you.

I receive visions from God through dreams, as I’m worshiping, during my prayer time, and when I’m studying the bible. He may choose to speak to you similarly or not.

The more you seek God’s presence the more you will learn how he speaks uniquely to you.

I wouldn’t have the capacity to receive these visions if I wasn’t purposeful about making room to receive them from God.

Jesus was intentional about retreating into solitude to seek the presence and guidance of God and we should follow Jesus’ lead.

Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Get into your secret place, make room in your mind to receive a vision from God. He wants to guide you and order your steps today.

We must pause, surrender our will, and expect to hear from God, trusting that He will give us wisdom as we seek out His vision for our lives.


The bible is very clear about having a vision for your life.

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no revelation, people cast of restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom‘s instruction.

Without vision we would wander through life aimlessly and miss the way of life God designed us to live.

You were purposely made to live out a well thought out plan by God. We can’t afford to live without convictions, instructions, and corrections. For this would lead us into dead ends that do not glorify God.

We are called to live an abundant life that exemplifies God’s power in and through us.

With this in mind, it is important that we plan out the vision God has given us for our lives.

Habakkuk 2:2 states Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.

Writing out your Christ-centered vision shows the importance of it. It ensures you will remember what God said to you and you can refer to it whenever needed.

If you are ever growing wearing in the wait you can be reminded of what God said directly to you.

You can rest knowing that God is not a man that he should lie. His word must come forth!

Write down everything God says to you as he reveals His vision for your life. From there, plan out actionable steps to get closer to this vision.

James 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

Hearing the word of God and writing it down is a good start but don’t stop there. We have to do our part and put in the work to see the fruition of God’s promises in our lives.

God will be there with you every step of the way and you will see how glorious life will be once you start taking purposeful steps towards living out this vision.


We were not meant to do life alone. It is helpful having wise counsel supporting you as you are intently walking out God’s plan for your life.

Be selective and share your vision with a friend, your spouse, or a spiritual mentor. Someone who you trust will speak life over your vision and walk in agreement with you. Someone who also has a Christ-centered vision for their life.

Not everyone has to be consulted about the vision you receive from God, but it is beneficial to have people you have carefully chosen around you, that will support and uplift you in this process.

Proverb 13:20 states Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.


Proverbs 27:17 states As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

The bible instructs us of the importance of surrounding ourselves with wise counsel who are capable of sharpening our gifts as we pursue the callings on our lives.

The body of Christ has a common goal of living out a life that glorifies God. We all have different callings as to how we will do this, but we are called to work together. We should support one another to see these assignments through.

Surround yourself with a community that will bring your closer to God as you are working towards going after everything God has for you.


As you are pursuing God’s vision for your life you will face opposition. But let us not grow weary during the trail because with God strengthening us, we will see a victory!

If ever the vision God gave you for your life seems unimaginable or unattainable because of your current circumstances remember the power and authority you have to speak life over your vision.

The vision God revealed to you should be so ingrained in you that at any given moment you can declare what God said to you to combat any doubt, any fear, or disbelief that the vision will in fact come to pass.

Ezekiel 37: 4-5 states Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.

Here God directs Ezekiel to prophesy the revival of Israel, to take the people from a hopeless situation and bring them back to life.

Just as Ezekiel prophesied over the dry bones so can we prophesy over any area in our life that does not reflect the vision God gave us.

So, declare you will have financial freedom! You will be whole and Confident in Your identity in Christ! You will walk worthy of your calling!

Speak Gods word over your situation and receive Gods power as He restores your faith in the vision He gave you.

Remember life and death are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21. Lean into this power whenever you need to resurrect your God-given vision.

We can take comfort and rest in the truth that before the Lord formed us in our mother womb, he knew us and he had a vision for our lives.

Let us not create a life in our own strength and dismiss the plan God has for us.

We will create a life that is self-serving when we are called to be servants onto to Lord.

Our plans can not compare to God’s. God’s vision for your life guarantees an abundant and purposeful life.

I pray that you seek God’s presence earnestly and you receive God’s vision for your life!

May you never lose sight of this vision as you work diligently towards it and remember God can do immeasurably more than you can ever envision. Seek His vision for your life not your own.

Kamesia Noellyn Williams

Kamesia is a Dietary Technician Aide in Toronto. She is currently working towards her Bachelor of Social Work, specializing in Mental Health Studies. She has a heart for helping the Lost find Freedom and Joy that can only come from having a relationship with Jesus Christ. She is on a mission to reflect God’s beautiful light, mercy and Love in hopes that others will be drawn to the one and only true God that she serves and Loves. When she is not at work or school, she enjoys spending quality time with her family and close friends. She is also passionate about Music, often finding moments of peace and joy listening, singing, or dancing to it. You can follow Kamesia and her journey on Instagram @lovelynoellyn.k.

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  1. Cam says:

    You write with so much wisdom! Truly God is guiding you and at such a young age! Bless you and May Our God continue to use you and bring Glory to His Name.

  2. Dakalo Mahapa says:

    This is powerful. Thank you. I learnt a lot

  3. Anne says:

    Thank you may God bless you. You really empowered and enlightened me.

  4. Alicia says:

    Wow! This article is so timely in my life. I don’t know when you wrote it but it spoke to me. Thank you!

  5. Pastor Bea says:

    Great teaching! 🙂

  6. Favour says:

    Thank U for this .it’s helpful. God bless you