Whether you’re a new Christian or you’ve been a believer for many years, it’s likely that you haven’t been taught how to study the Bible.
The Bible is the foundation to our Christian faith. Something so important shouldn’t only be able to decode by an elite group of super-spiritual people like pastors and theologians.
You can learn to study the Bible, too.
Hebrews 4:12-13 says,
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
If we’re going to be judged by God in accordance to His word, it’s incredibly important that we know what His word says.
We’ve created a great resource for you to get you started on your bible study journey. It is a free downloadable guide that gives you frameworks, systems to study the Bible. Click to download it below:
Studying the Bible for yourself will deepen your connection with God, renew your mind, and prepare you for every trial that life throws your way.
As you’re studying the Bible, make sure that you’re asking the Holy Spirit to give you clarity and understanding, and using resources like bible Blue Letter Bible, Bible Gateway and Logos.
The Bible I use is a She Reads Truth study bible (Christian Standard Bible).
If you’re not sure whether you’re going to Heaven or if you don’t know Jesus, then CLICK HERE.
If you have any questions, leave a comment below!
Amanda Pittman
Amanda Pittman is the wife to Michael Pittman and mother of Elijah and Lily. Amanda is the author of three books. Her titles include, Love Your First Year of Marriage, Reflecting God’s Beauty, and CHANGE.
Amanda is the Founder of Confident Woman Co., community-oriented business that equips women to stand confidently upon the finished work of Jesus. Through Confident Woman Co., Amanda hosts Change University, retreats, conferences, online events, podcasts, and more. Her vision is to position Christian women to lay down their lives for the sake of Christ.
Amanda speaks at various conferences, panels, and other church events. Amanda is passionate about Jesus and encouraging women to pursue Him. Her favorite simple pleasures in life include coffee in the morning, cuddles with her family, and words of affirmation.
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