Any worshippers in the house? If so, this post is for you!
It’s also for those who are seeking to have a more intimate encounter with God. It is astonishing to me how sometimes worship music can take you to more of a deeper place with God than even the Sunday morning message. It’s not about chord progressions, radio play, or cool beats, but it’s about the words that truly speak to our hearts.
I challenge you to listen to the words and let them resonant with your spirit. As we know, words are powerful, and they can produce life or death. Worship music has the ability to create and set an atmosphere of life, love, and peace that is conducive for The Creator who gave it. It also has the ability to encourage you and remind you of the Father who loves you.

So, without further ado, here is a list of 10 Worship songs that you should have in your playlist! (It was difficult to pick just ten!)
Some are new and some are old, but as for worshipping in the presence of God—it is new and refreshing. Every. Single. Time.
1. Nobody Loves Me Like You by Chris Tomlin
2. Refiner by Maverick City featuring Chandler Moore and Steffany Gretzinger
3. Build My Life by Housefires
4. All Things (LIVE) by Covenant Worship
5. Psalm 42 by Tori Kelly
6. Nothing Else by Cody Carnes
7. Psalm 23 (I am Not Alone) by People and Songs
8. Abba by Jonathan David
9. You Know My Name by Tasha Cobbs
10. Reveal by William McDowell feat. Jose Garrafa
(In fact, ANYTHING by William McDowell is wonderful!)
Ok, ok, I know I said only ten songs, but I thought I would throw in one more for good measure. (I could possibly be a little biased because this song was written by the hubby. )
11. Your Love is So Amazing by Michael Walter
Ashley Walter
Ashley Walter is a wife, a teacher, and a lover of Jesus Christ. Her goal is to remind people of who they are in Christ when the world, the enemy, and even their our own self-doubt tries to make them think otherwise. Her blog is
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