Recently I’ve been feeling depleted as I strived to meet the everyday demands of life. I was lacking power that can only come from regular communion with God. I recognized I needed a change. I was in need of a fresh revival from my Heavenly Father.
Sometimes we can get so absorbed in accomplishing all our goals and appeasing our loved ones and coworkers, we forget who we should really be aiming to please.
We lose sight of the most important relationship in our Life, Our relationship with Jesus.
We may find ourselves saying things like “God seems distant lately” or “I can’t hear him”. But in reality, God is always speaking to his children. However, we may not be intently listening out for his Word.
It is crucial that if you have found yourself in a place where you feel your relationship with the Lord is stagnant or lacking true intimacy that you decide today to return to your first Love, Our Lord and Savior Jesus.
I want to offer you some strategies that you can implement today to reignite that fire for God once again!

Here are Four Ways to Revive Your Relationship with Christ:
Be Still and Get your own word from God
When was the last time you took a moment to intentionally seek the Lord’s presence? Without anything or anyone competing for your attention. Clear out time in your schedule and just be still before God. Make room in your mind to let the Lord restore you to better spiritual health.
Joshua 1: 8 states
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Here we see Joshua understood the importance of being still and meditating on the word of God, day and night as should we. It is important that we know the word of God and apply to our life circumstances.
While in your secret space find scripture that speaks to any mountain you are facing right now. Repeat the scriptures over yourself to let it take hold in your heart.
During this time ask God for Wisdom and he will surely respond. We are so reliant on hearing a word from our Pastors, spiritual leaders, our spouses, Christian influencers and so forth that we fail to make room to hear from the Lord directly.
God wants to speak to YOU today. He is waiting on us to seek him with all our heart so he may reveal a very specific message that we need to move forward.
One word, one phrase or one scripture from God can change the trajectory of your life. Will you not take the time today to perceive what God is saying to you?
Upon finishing up your session with God you will immediately feel renewed, at peace and empowered.
2. Renew your Mind with His word
With the ongoing chaos in the world, we must not let our minds get so consumed with worldly matters that we miss what God want us to focus on during this season. We know what the media is saying about what is going on in the world. But do we know what God is saying about it?
Most of us are concerned with our physical and mental health as we should be but let us be just as concerned for our spiritual health as well.
We need to get strong and be built up in the Spirit. Our minds need to be continuously evolving and renewed to be aligned with Christ.
Romans 12:2 states “ Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
In this scripture we see Paul is urging us to abandon the ways of the world and have our minds renewed by God. We are transformed when we not only learn God’s word but also when we live it out.
Maybe we need to unlearn things or habits that are no longer serving us and instead replace it with God’s truth. It’s time to pursue and learn the word of God more diligently. Meditate on it, so that God may renew you in the process.
When you return to the word consistently with a pure heart you will receive revelation, peace, understanding, breakthrough and so much more. Your language will become more powerful, you will become wiser, more insightful and your Godly confidence will shine through you.
3. Restore Your Prayer life and Ask for Revival
At one point in my spiritual walk, I struggled to find the “right” words as I entered into prayer. What I failed to realize was that God was more concerned with the condition of my heart then with my carefully selected words. At times I could only string together a few words and that was enough. God knew my heart and what I needed.
It is important that we are persistent with our prayers, seeking the Lord while also waiting in expectation to hear back from him.
Be reminded that God is always available to you. To listen to your petitions and desires.
Ask God for a personal revival today. To be reactivated in your spirit and to be more spiritually in tuned with him.
Pray this scripture over yourself.
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Let God purify your heart and mind and realign you with his desires for your life. This is such a powerful scripture to lean on if ever you’re feeling out of alignment in your relationship with God.
4. Fast to restore your connection with the Lord
Fasting is an effective and powerful action to take whenever you feel you can’t seem to connect with God as you once were able to.
While fasting from social media, Tv shows or other things is important to do from time to time, the fasting I am referring to is the act of abstaining from food or certain types of food for a specific amount of time.
As you push away the plate temporarily, reach for your bible, enter into prayer and rely on the Lord for nourishment. Let him sustain you.
Matthew 6:16 states “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
Note here that Jesus is saying “When you fast” alluding to the fact that as Christians fasting is a spiritual discipline that we should be humbling practicing whenever we recognize the need to or whenever God is calling us to a fast.
Also note what Galatians 5.16 states
“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh”
Fasting helps us to disconnect from our fleshy desires. It brings forth breakthroughs, clarity from God, realignment, and immeasurably more! It helps us to walk by the spirit of God as we fulfill the call on our lives.
As Women of God it is my belief that we should not be running on empty if we are walking in the purpose and calling God has designed us for.
We should not be operating without the Lord’s mighty spirit fueling us daily as we work towards all the great assignments in our lives.
I pray that you take the time to attune to God in this season, and that you rest and receive the revival your spirit needs from the Lord today!
Kamesia Noellyn Williams
Kamesia is a Dietary Technician Aide in Toronto. She is currently working towards her Bachelor of Social Work, specializing in Mental Health Studies. She has a heart for helping the Lost find Freedom and Joy that can only come from having a relationship with Jesus Christ. She is on a mission to reflect God’s beautiful light, mercy and Love in hopes that others will be drawn to the one and only true God that she serves and Loves. When she is not at work or school, she enjoys spending quality time with her family and close friends. She is also passionate about Music, often finding moments of peace and joy listening, singing, or dancing to it. You can follow Kamesia and her journey on Instagram @noellyn.k
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