Every Christian goes through spiritual warfare. The enemy is always looking for opportunities to trip us up. And that is why during these times, we must put on the full armor of God.
Some things are spiritual, and some things are not. Some things could be a result of our insecurities, or our sin. We must discern the difference between those things.
In the last 6 to 7 years, the Lord has shown me a few things about learning how to fight.

Here are three points on how to fight in the midst of Spiritual Warfare:
Rest in His Strength
Stand on Scripture: We must stand on the word to know the truth. So, when the enemy tries to have us fall for a lie, we can refute it with the truth.
That is why memorizing scripture is crucial. We can not stand on something we do not remember.
Psalms 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Here we see the author kept the word of God in his heart so that whenever he was going through any temptation and warfare, he was able to memorize the word and stand on it to resist (with the Holy Spirit empowering him) whatever the opposition was.
We also should take note of the importance of careful memorization and pondering in our lives. Having the word of God readily accessible when we need it is critical as we fight back in spiritual warfare.
The author was also singing and praying, expressing admiration to God which is a strategy that disrupts the plan of the enemy.
Tip: If you need to make a trip to dollar tree and get some note cards, do it! Write the verses down and go over them.
When Jesus was being tempted by the devil in the wilderness, what did he do? He stood on scripture. Every time the enemy tried to tell him lies, he refutes it with the truth.
There’s even a time when Satan tried to use scripture, but he used it out of context.
This tells me we have to be good students of the word of God as well. We must understand the context of the scriptures we are trying to stand on.
One of our weapons of warfare is prayer. Pray against whatever the enemy is trying to do. Go in your prayer closet and pray. It’s important to spend that time with God.
Yes, there will be distractions in your mind trying to deter you from spending time with God. But you must fight!
You must press on and continue to pray and spend that time with the Lord. And find what works best for you. Maybe you spend that time in the morning, the afternoon, or night. See what works best for you.
Worship can help bring us into the presence of God. Our focus turns from the attacks around us and goes to Jesus: who is bigger than what we are facing.
Turn on some worship music! Those evil forces can’t stay in the presence of God.
1 John 4:4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
In this scripture John is speaking to Christians, expressing his fear for spiritual deception. Warning against testing the spirit of the antichrist.
When you’re in the midst of a battle, remember God is greater than the devil, evil, and demonic forces in the world.
My testimony of overcoming fear was won with praying scriptures.
Whenever fear and anxiety overcame me out of nowhere. I would run to my car and turn on some worship music. I’d open my bible to Psalms 23, and I start praying out the scriptures.
As I was praying, I felt peace overcome me, and I was not anxious or fearful anymore. I was discerning that this experience could have been a spirit of fear and spiritual warfare.
2. Be alert and sensitive to what is going on in your heart and mind
The enemy will try to attack your mind with ideas that do not align with scripture. That is why we are to take every thought captive.
For example, on Social media, looking at posts and comparing your life to others. “Why did God bless this person and not you?”, ” God does not have good things for you”, God does not care about you”, and “God is not good”. The enemy can try to whisper these lies to you.
2 Corinthians 10:5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
Paul is writing to the Corinthians, defending his ministry. Some are still rejecting his gospel and apostolic authority. In this section, Paul shares that he is not waging a fleshly battle, but a spiritual one- The weapons of his warfare are spiritual. Paul tears down the strongholds of wrong thinking and behavior.
What does that look like?
If I have a thought that I know is not from God, I stop meditating on that thought. And I stand a scripture in the truth and what God says. I think about things that are worthy of praise and lovely.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Here Paul encourages the Philippians, calling for reconciliation, joyful faith, and disciplined thinking. These things will inspire worship of God and service to others.
Always check for offenses in your heart.
This could be a comment someone made or unfavorable circumstances. Which can lead to anger.
If you are dealing with anger It’s important to address this quickly because if you let this grow in your heart, good things will not result from this.
The enemy can use that anger or offense in your heart and cause you to think about horrible thoughts. Bitterness can start to grow in your heart. As a result, you begin to act distant from people and Jesus.
3. Walk Alongside Others
Do not walk alone in this fight. Share with others that you trust what you are going through.
These could be your mentors, spiritual parents, accountability partners, leaders in the church, and family.
Proverbs 24:6 “For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.”
There is an added power when two come together and pray.
Christians must remain connected to each other and stand with each other, so life pressures do not pull people away from the faith.
Sometimes we must humble ourselves and let someone know what we are going through.
We need one another. We need to be in the community. We need to seek counsel.They are there to encourage us and support us when we are down.
Wise guidance obtained in consultation with an abundance of counselors is the key to Victory whether in war or in any circumstance that requires might and Power. Wisdom carefully acquired in applied is the means of success in all of life (Crossway ESV Study bible).
It is powerful, and God can bless us in many ways when we surrender, humble ourselves and reach out to someone.
I hope that this has encouraged you. God is with you in this journey. God is training you through all of this.
Practice and take courage! He will never leave or forsake you.
The Lord has given us tools and weapons to use in Warfare.
I pray that we would all have courage and not fear whatever may come. We have a God who is all-powerful living within us.
Amanda N.
Amanda is a Kindergarten teacher, and earned her Bacherlors in Early Childhood Education, graduating with honors. She has a heart for God, people, and worship. Amanda serves at her church as a worship singer and is one of the core leaders of their Young Adults Ministry called: The Harbor. When she is not at church or work, she loves to spend time with her friends and family. Her goal in life is to bring glory to God and share His love with others. Amanda desires to point people to Jesus- the answer to all their pain, hopelessness, brokenness, and emptiness. You can follow Amanda and her journey on Instagram @beautifully.amanda
I was seeking some verses to help me be reminded of how to do spiritual warfare, and your article came up. I took notes on it, and plan to help my friend who has just made a profession of faith in Christ recently she has a lot of baggage from her past please pray for her her name is Michelle and pray that I would have wisdom which includes what I read in this article today. Thank you so much for sharing God’s wisdom and learning it yourself Amanda !. where shall we go ?Thou hast the words of eternal life.
God is all powerful and yes, He lives in us.
Thank you for sharing. I agree with what you have said. cAs I walked through my dark battle years ago, it was the things you mentioned that I learned that Git me through it all.
God bless you.
Thank You, for sharing Your faith ! and giving hope !. Many blessings to You ❣️
Wow it is powerful i love the message and continue encouraging people of God,may God bless you
Excellent information for warfare, thank you for caring for your brothers and Sisters.
We fight the good battle and we are ALWAYS victorious in Christ Jesus who always causes us to triumph! Aleluya!
Thank you! ❤️
Amanda thank you for allowing God to use you! I was just advised that the body pain and dizziness I am experiencing is spiritual . I was confused by this so I began to Google spiritual attacks/warfare and your article appeared first! It helped me get a starting point on how to begin to handle this. Your article is written so well that even a new believer in Christ will understand the process. Thank you, Thank you! May the Lord continue to bless you.
Thanks a million. I have been praying about my health and families health and still having health issues. I needed depths as to why it persist. Thank you for the insights into God’s word and please pray with me.God bless you 🙏
Blessed by this
I enjoyed reading your post and hope to come across more of your content! Praying that you stay encouraged and excited on your journey with Christ.
This is quite encouraging. More of His grace upon your life sister Amanda. No weapon of any kind formed against you shall prosper. You are undoubtedly blessed.
It’s 4:55 am and I’m struggling with my thoughts feeling and faith… this isn’t normal for me and I was able to recognize this has happened before 2 years ago and it took me a while to get through this battle… So I just wanted to thank you for this article I feel a lot better. I don’t feel I can trust anyone so can you Pray for me to get through this… thank you so much and God bless
Beautifully written!
Thank you for the encouragement!
Greatfull to the Almighty and the faithfulness of our God. Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement. God bless you
Amanda, thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts and inspiring guardians on spiritual warfare. How to stand on the word of God with prayer and worship and “always check for offenses in your hearts” which is confession. Your sharing is on point. Once again, thanks for sharing 👍! May we continue on our knees 🙏 with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for taking the time to share this message. God bless and keep you sister. This was such a blessing to me. In the mighty name of Jesus we are healed. On christ the solid rock I stand. Glory be to the name of the Most High.
Hello my Sistah in Christ,
Thank you so much for what you gave me as a gift to have my joy back, laugh and know the truth about what the Holy Spirit has given me as a gift from a multitude of counselors. It was a joy to read the encouraging words of wisdom while going through the spiritual warfare today. This made me feel better and smile while reading this knowledge. Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your ministry of helping people.
This actually just helped me a lot because I am going thru spiritual attacks as I speak and you helped me out a lot I just read it and Im going too talk too my church family and get prayer because I just got saved four months ago and still tryna figure everything out and follow God its hard but it’s worth it.… but thanks again you helped me out… Thanks again
Thank you! Your words are comforting during no a time of spiritual battles. Also being a teacher , I can say the enemy is fully attacking without any authority. I pray everyone hearing truth is saved from this he lies of the enemy.
Prayer for a godly beautiful lovely wife
Thank you Amanda. I came across this as I was seeking God’s guidance and direction to help with a family problem. This post was/is so incredibly helpful for me to share with my family!
Thank you and please keep sharing God’s Word. May He continue to bless your life in great abundance!
Glory be to God
Thank you may God reward you..
According to riches of his glory
Finding this article blessed me early this morning as I was struggling with anxious thoughts and fear. Thank you for sharing. Be blessed!
Thank you
Amanda, thank you for your powerful and uplifting writing. I sincerely appreciate your knowledge, guidance and love for Jesus. I pray you receive all of the blessings that you deserve. Jeff
Thank for that encouragement be blessed.
Great information for all to read. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Sister…. you were definitely sent from God to help address scripture reference,comfort,guidance and helpfulness towards many including me Fighting SPIRITUAL WARFARE 💪🙏 ✨️ Not easy… especially when you feel alone spiritually and maybe not have much connections to others that can provide the guidance. Finding a group under One Spirit is hard especially if you don’t attend church which is a risk, since many Churches 🤔 have False PROPHETS walking around in WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING . SOO.. not sure what to do 😮💨
Thank you Amanda for godly insight on spiritual warfare.
Thanks for being soul out for Christ.
Glory and honour be to God Almighty. Amen and Amen
Thank you for this knowledge of dealing with spiritual warfare. I have been in isolation for three years, and constantly under attack in NY thoughts. Each time I feel I am closer to my breakthrough, Satan comes into my thoughts with floods of doubts, anxiety, fears about NY future. I have failed so many times. in testing and have reached the point of almost giving up. Moved to a new location because being around family members is toxic. Have no friends or support. So tired of Satan tormenting my mind. Finally see that quoting scripture , fasting and praying, worshipping is the solution. Please pray for me.
Thank you so much for the encouragement and inspirational wisdom of teaching and explaining the words may God empower you more to help us
Thank you God and Thank You Amanda! This was very helpful!
Thank you for the encouraging words. I really needed this in this moment of my life. Pray my strength and knowledge in the Lord. Amen
Thank you Amanda, it helped me a lot, I have done this before, now I need for a different situation I am sure that I am in the right path!
I loved this message.. Father In the Name of Jesus I pray that you bless Amanda, continue to increase her ministry. Give her favor wherever she goes. As she continues to delight herself in you, give her the desires of her heart. Love you Sis from Sister Cass
Hi Amanda,
I personally want to thank you. Firstly, you closed out the noise of this world and you let your heart and mind be enlightened by God’s word. God’s word established a “right now, present day” message within you. Thank you for moving in boldness and obedience and posting this. I want to be just one of one or many that this post has affirming power and it truly has confirmed what I have learned and and am applying to this trying season in my life. I was blessed by this post. Stay in the good fight Sister Amanda. I love you with the love of Jesus Christ.
May the Father bless you and your family and show you as favored in this life and beyond here.
Awesome commentary!!
Thank you Amanda! Not sure how I came across this , but you are spot on. Continue allowing God to use you in order to help His Kingdom be prepared and ready to fight against whatever that’s not of Christ Jesus . Awesome work!!!
Yes! I found confidence in all words shared here. May God Almighty keep you shinning in his heavenly race. I feel free from every spiritual warfare right now thanks for the bible verse.
I am struggling with all this right now your words are such a comfort. Thank you for all you do and who you are.
Great insight and direction.
Spot on in my opinion.
Satan is working overtime, and I believe spiritual warfare is at an all time high. Thankful the Victory has been won!
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for this. Thank you for talking about this and giving words of hope through this. NOW I know i can and how to fight back. Spiritual Warfare is absolutely 100% REAL. So many people are experiencing it and probably dont even realize it so again, thank you for this article. May God bless you always and from one soul to another thank you so much.
Thank you. I read this just at a time when I needed it. May God bless you.
Hello , 😇
My Name is Jodi Schmaltz.
I am a solid, and grounded individual. I have had a relationship with God. I am currently experiencing Spiritual Warfare. Ti an EXTREME.
I am in URt need of help!
I don’t know how to so Or battle this on my own.
Do you have ANY resources or people that can Hello ME!
Currently dealing w SEVRE spiritual warfare..
I am a GROUNDED person, that’s the n URGENT need of HELP.
Do you know of a reliable resource to help me!
Thank you for this post. Really needed this right now. May GOD continue to bless and strengthen you🙂
Thank u for this I gained clarity from it I’m in the biggest battle of my life right now and I’m scared and worried and can’t find any direction it’s a terrible vulnerable place to be and this helped give me some strength I’m so desperately looking for to continue fighting.
I needed this thank you sister. Please keep me in your prayers. I’m going through a spiritual warfare 😢
This is a very powerful message from a beautiful woman of God with a calling to teach. The way you’ve broken down and given so much understanding in three points is more than I’ve gotten in a lifetime. Everyone is facing a spirtitual warfare today and this focuses on that. You are truly someone with a gift from God. Thank you for providing this information. Many blessing
I’m going through a difficult time right now with my finances and facing an eviction. I need steady employment and have applied to many places. I’m discouraged and need support. I’ve always been a hard worker and stood in the gaps for others. I also avoided asking for help even when I needed it. Now I’m in true need of assistance. Please for me.
thank you Amanda! I really needed this!
AWESOME I am engaged in a serious war and it’s overwhelming sometimes I pray a lot but wonder if I should get counseling or let someone in church know what I’m going through it’s hard but I will never leave Jesus it took
Me too long to find him!
Thank you so much for posting this! I am a chaplain at our jail and we are looking at Ephesians 6:10-20 and I am planning to use allot of what you taught her tonight in our study.
Amanda,God bless you and your family. I am a Roman Catholic and our brothers and sisters in Christ give each other help to fight the dark forces of this world.
How can I get in agreement with my partner.
Your article was sent to myself in perfect timing. Thank you for your obedience in your calling . Spiritual warfare is a very present battle happening now.
Thank you ♥️
I needed this more than you’ll ever know. God is so good, thank you and God bless you.
Excellent exhortation
God is indeed a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper , light in the darkness! I read this very informative article and i am in tears !
Currently i have been going through spiritual warfare. It is a mostly challenging because it has now been happening at the very church I worship at. As a result i have become more recluse and anxiety stricken of the thought of opening up and socializing again. I eventually broke down at church and vowed not to experience a recurrence.
I stay out of the many cliques that lurks in church and as usual maintain politeness as best as possible. I write to share my ordeal for like many others, who wants to fellowship and worship as father god instructs. Is rather very risky because people might use your vulnerabilities against you and not to mention for gossip. These behaviors are pretty prevalent among settings like this and results in , in my case, harm and judgements!
I wholeheartedly appreciate this article and i would draw for praying scriptures that will aid in my defense when praying.
Thank you for this
This is the most powerful help on spiritual warfare.
I have been trying hard to teach my Sunday school class about how to pray spiritual warfare praying, but it as if nothing registers. I have told everything you said in this article. Thank you for confirming that I have been on the right track all the time and that is not me.
Very big thanks to the lord sister
Why didn’t you bind that spirit of fear and cast it out?
This is good 👍
Thanks miss Amanda for the guidence I appreciate
Continue doing what you are doing! Thankful for you and people like you. God bless you!
Incredible word spoken. Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for listening the Holy Spirit heart have a super day!
I’m going to use this on my broadcast to share with other people who are going through spiritual warfare. My broadcast is Java with Jesus is on Facebook live.
Just beautiful. Thanks Amanda for the love of God that that propels you, it’s contagious, inspiring and encouraging. I’m blessed by his faithfulness in you. You have given and you shall receive. Glory!!!
Just beautiful. Thanks Amanda for the love of God that propels you, it’s contagious, inspiring and encouraging. I’m blessed by his faithfulness in you. You have given and you shall receive. Glory!!!
Awesome share. This very empowering. Only if all Christians will indeed understand and know He who dwells in us! Thanks Amanda.
Amanda, i found your blog today on a google search that i was conducting in my personal time, and i searched: “how Christians fight ”
during my break, and your page came up. I tell you it was a very edifying read, i read it out loud and i like it ! thank you for this blog.
This was a very good study! Thank you Amanda!
Thank you Amanda for this beautiful teaching. It has helped me to get started putting verses together for every situation that arises in my life and the life of others in my family and at church. You’re teaching was simply presented, simply put and easy to follow. Thank you so much and may God continue to richly bless you and know that you do for him.
Thank you Amanda for this wonderful testimony. It is soul uplifting and a great means to understand and help someone like me fight my spiritual battles . Please keep sharing your gift. You have helped not only me but a lot of those whi are in spiritual warfare. God bless you and your family. 🙏💕
Thank you so much, I was blessed .
Thank you! This is just what I needed to hear today!!
Thank you for this. God is doing a mighty work on me to break strongholds and the evil one is attacking me. I need this teaching.
You are so encouraging,we love you and may God bless you.
Thank you for the encouragement from our father’s word! I am in the midst and seeking God and his counsel as I fightt through this spiritual warfare from my adult daughter and mainly her boyfriend and his influences who refuse to leave my home. These attacks are definitely spiritual and trying to break me and my family!
Thank you for the encouragement/guidance. The scriptures you suggested were spot on. I desperately needed this today. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.
Thank you and God bless you more
Enjoyed the article above, needed that as I’m going through with my friend exactly that, thank you Jesus.
Thank you Amanda, sister. God bless you.
I found this article studying scriptures ie: reading thru the Bible and currently where the Israelites are going into the promised land, yet they have to fight the people already there. Connecting that truth with spiritual warfare of today in my world for my grandkids who are being held captive. Very encouraging word. Thank you
This was so helpful.Thanks a ton for shch beautiful words. You’ve filled me up with great courage❤️
I am blessed with your word of encouragement and teaching..
THANK YOU Amanda. I having been dealing with this pretty much my entire life. I never understood this side of my faith. I never realized how hard the enemy has worked to keep us either questioning our faith, origins and subscribing to false doctrine. I truly appreciate the time you took to put this out there.
Thank you. Right on time too.
Thank you for posting such a well thought out and thorough article on spiritual warfare. I have had depression on and off for many years and I’m only 7 months in of being a born again christian. I feel like satan is really attacking me since in that 7 months I’ve had 2 lengthy illnesses and now yet another bought of depression. I still have hope and God in my life and I will apply some of practices to my spiritual regimen. Peace
Hi, my granddaughter Jazmine and I are experiencing demonic presences in our home.
We have a non believer (grandfather) in the house.
We will take your advice. Thank you and God bless you.
Hello Amanda, your message is very inspiring. It has help to shed light on some of the issues concerning spiritual war fare. Be blessed abundandly.
Thanks you Amanda for your clear and concise instructions on warfare. I needed this. Please keep me and my two daughters in prayer! There is work to be done and a harvest to be had for Christ! Be blessed
Thank you for your encouraging words. Prayers understanding . Thank God for you and your way of explaining his word. Im forever grateful for his word
Thank you.May God help you. Thank you
Hi Amanda,
Thank you for this helpful post! I am currently in a season of spiritual warfare in two areas of my life. The insight you provides reminded me how to fight. This is not my first time in a season of spiritual warfare. However, each time I encounter such, I have to reread information that provides me the tools of how to fight.
I appreciate your input and will use my note cards this week.
Oh, we have something in common. We are preschool educators. We share the same love for God’s children.
God is real and I know god is good 🙏🏾
Amazing words thanks alot
Great word to help with Spiritual Battles.
Pray for me.
I love these teachings, and I would love to start receiving them more in my email
Hi Amanda!
I loved your recommendations and the scripture choices. I was going through a spiritual warfare challenge that was relentless. My staff forced me to take a vacation and spend lots of time in prayer.
I did just that!!! I went to the mountains of Tennessee. My cabin was way up on the mountain and a bit of a challenging drive. Lol. It was a perfect size for one. It was lovely and backed up to a forest.
I spent countless hours reading scripture and looking for chapters on spiritual warfare but found many close resources and most of them leaned towards learning scripture and trusting in the Lord God with all your might. Also, putting on the armor of God for battle.
Thank you Amanda for this roadmap to God’s enduring love for us.. I know a person who desperately needs prayers. I will send this to my family with the hope that we will pray for her. Her name is Raylene in case you might have a moment to pray for her. Thank you again so much. Your light shined on me today.
Thank you Amanda for this roadmap to God’s enduring love for us.. I know a person who desperately needs prayers. I will send this to my family with the hope that we will pray for her. Her name is Raylene in case you might have a moment to pray for her. Thank you again so much. Your light shined on me today.
That’s was so encouraging as right now I’m struggling just watching how social media as a big influence on my grandchildren.
Ii didn’t know that I could bumped into useful encouragement like this , thanks a lot. I have been fighting the spirit of fear every now and on but goes and come back fully, I have tried putting some gospel music to ease the fear, it sometimes happens at night, then I get very terrifying dreams. However I will use this verses you ve given and pray with using the word. Thanks a lot blessed
AWESOME!!! Thank You!!!! Be Encouraged!!!
I feel as if I, my five children are under satins attack and I don’t what to do.
Thank you for sharing this.
I am going through attacks at the moment and it’s hard. I don’t know sometimes how to stay positive. I would pray to Jesus and God. I would pray to the archangels. Bless you
Thanks for the understanding of warfare
Thanks Amanda
Amen…God won’t forsake me🙏
Great !
I want to say thank God for u
And the word he has giving u to share with me I read this and this is what I’m teaching my youth thank u once again
I really appreciate you for sharing this ❤ it was a great tool of learning I searching for overcoming and ran across this sites thanks again
Do you have a new instagram page to follow ?
Greetings in Jesus’ name, l just read one of your revelations, and l feel inspired in my journey to eliminate all sinful thoughts from my mind. I’m fighting with the devil day and night in my mind, sometimes l think lm going crazy, but l will fight on till my mind and soul is cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. Amen
Your blog blessed me in so many ways! I was able to get confirmation and more clarity on what The Lord is doing in this season of my life. Thank you so much for spreading so much wisdom and truth. More than anything thank you for sharing God’s goodness and faithfulness!
-Karina Sandoval
Thank you for the information and your obedience to assist those under spiritual warfare. Thank you for being a blessing.
Wow, what a powerful & God timed message for me to hear today, at this moment! I thank God for you &:this message!
Thank you Amanda, though I’m twice your age I learned from your teaching as I’m preparing for a sermon on spiritual warfare.
Continual Blessings ♥
Thank you so much.
I just found out about spiritual warfare – the fact that is it actually a force.
I was wondering how to deal with it and have read your words.
Again – thank you
Good contribution to CHECKMATING the enemy in spiritual warfare which I have been working on for years . Remain blessed and rapturable
Amanda. This was beautiful. My pastor spoke on this in out leaders meeting that we should let others of the Christian faith know our spiritual warfare and not fight them alone. Youe excerpt truly inspired me. Thank you. Ily
This really blessed me in the season I am currently in where understanding spiritual warfare and how to fight to win is essential. I am grateful for this article. God bless
Thank you Amanda!
Greetings, what a power way to start out my morning! This post has inspire me on ways to fight my battles. I’m early in my walk, but so eager to seek His word and guidance. Again thank you for the needed tips on how to fight the right in our battles.
Michelle Shinal 😊
I really found this helpful. Thank you! May God bless you!
Hi Amanda
Thank you for your insightful blog
Your story really helped me a lot of what I think I’m going through
Can you kindly share your social media handles were we can follow you
This was indeed truly helpful
This is such valuable information I so desperately needed! I can’t thank you enough for sharing this! I’ve shared it 16 other Christians! Thank you again!
Thank you! I’m happy I find this article. This will help me on my journey 🙏.
Thank you for sharing this information on this platform.
Thank you I needed to see this and it was very helpful.
I need your help/assistance with a peculiar spiritual attacks in which old friends/family ,alumni and colleagues a gathered together against me a could use the interface of technology and African voodoo to cause emotional and mental harm to me and people around me.
I know for certain that I am under serious monitoring online
Thank you Amanda, I am 61 years old women single and I have no one to share my struggles of anger, mental health and extreme loneliness.
I try and pray so much and it seems like God doesn’t hear me or help these issues I’ve had to decades. I took notes from this and am going to read and reread the scriptures and pray for a break through. Appreciate your prayers,
Blessings, Dee
I stumbled on your write up on how to overcome the attacks of the enemy, and was thrilled.
God bless you.
I’ve been going through a series of attacks now from no where and I’m someone who loves praying and fasting.
I’ve been asking God to send me one of his children that we can join hands together to pray and agree on things and God would show up.
I hope you’ll be my prayer partner ? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you and God bless you.
I enjoyed this lesson awesome. Thank you
Dear Amanda,
Thank you for this powerful message. May the lord almighty continue to bless you and grant you more grace to share in Jesus name.
I was really blessed with this please do you have any social media accounts I can easily communicate with you pls keep up with this word of God .
Please Keep.Us In Prayer..Robert John Dena
Such a great, lengthy and valuable article.
Thanks Amanda, this has truly inspired me!
Beautiful explanation! It take me a bit to understand at times. I was wowed with how it answered my question and how to protect my self. I have my cousin Lisa that I go to but sometimes it’s embarrassing to ask or just the plain simple fact that I didn’t fully understand is overwhelming.
Great article, exactly what I was thinking about & needed to hear. Thank you for a beautiful way of putting it all down.
Bless you. I really enjoyed reading your piece. Insightful.
Sister this is so on time. I thank you so so much for this article n ur words . True blessing to me. May God bless u n all you do.
Keep up the good work sis you feed this preacher today.
I thoroughly enjoyed your lesson. It was short , understandable, and to the point.. Every point was supported by the Word of God.
Thanks Amanda. I have been blessed.
So helpful, Thank you dear sister . My God bless n’ give you more revelation
Very powerful. I’m strengthen by your blog. May God continue to strengthen you in all your spiritual warfares!!! 🙏
Just found out about a teen boy that from what was said sounds like he has two personalities. A man’s voice and his regular voice. Please pray for him. Sounds like spiritual warfare! . Thanks
I do not like to read but I found your article/post very interesting. We’ve studied Spiritual Warfare in Bible Study before.
I do not have time to finish the whole article but I’m saving it so I can finish it.
Thank You & God Bless
Thank you so much for this! Such wisdom! It’s made things so clear. You have a gift of teaching, and this has inspired a whole sermon!
God bless you in your journey with Him and the ministry He has given you!
This article truly blessed my heart.
Pray for my healing and deliverance and protection from attacks
This is great and helpful. Be blessed.
My husband left me for another woman 3 months ago and ever since then my life has been filled with pain, sorrow and heart break because he was my first love whom I have spent my entire life with. My lovely sister told me she saw some testimonies of a love spell caster online that she believes can help me restore my relationship back, I laughed it out and said I am not interested but because of the love my sister had for me, she consulted the great love spell caster on my behalf, when she tell me i was not happy because i was not interested. To my greatest surprise, after 2 days my husband called me for the very first time after three months that he is missing me and that he is so sorry for everything he made me go through. He came back to me and now we are happy together. I still can’t believe it, because it is highly unbelievable. Thank you Dr. Oman for restoring my relationship and also to my lovely sister who interceded on my behalf, for anyone who might need the help should keep in touch with Dr Oman through his Email address: miraculoussolutionhome@yahoo.com
I really enjoyed reading the comments concerning Spiritual Warfare. Even though we’re going through, it’s good to know & read what others have (are) experiencing. Taking comfort in HIS Word. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️. GOD bless!
Ben get attacked by devil through people as spiritual as well but I remember my faith and wo is in me as ND pray during times for help and has always overcome them this last week my faith and belief my hod his son are high and I m not alone I have power of blood of cross and army of angels fight for me as well I love God Jesus and the stuff I Ben through made me more closer God I ever Ben he speaks through me guides me and is my rock my foundation my strength thank God for his mighty love grace and guidance
Thanks for insight and the lord will do for you as long as you surrender to him the devil comes at me everyday but I put my trust and faith in god who will bring me salvation
Thank you for sharing I needed this today and it’s funny how God knows what you need when you need it spiritual. warfare came up a lot today thanks again 💙🙏
HI! I really liked this post! Can you check this page and send me email about your opinion about it? I would be very happy if you find time for me! Bless you!
I neede this going thru so much,my ex husband divorced me ,and 9 years later,i got laid off he came to me offered to help me and my granddaughter as well,bern with him since 2018 never remarried him,i brought it up he havent said yes,i am nowv on disability had hip replacement ,he works ,but havent said he wanted to remarry me. We have been together almost 40 years now
Dont know what to do anymore but prsy
Hi Gudday thanx for this guidance it means alot …
I hope and pray that I’ll start this journey today and that God will come threw for me threw all my obstacles I’m facing in life right now ….
The advice and scripture really helped my friend’s family and I tremendously. Please continue to stand with us in prayer. Thank you so very much for this, may God bless and increase you.
Thank you. This was exactly what I needed to hear this morning.
Am so uplifted thank you
Hello my name is Melissa i want to share my amazing experience with the best spell caster Dr Shola. my husband was cheating on me and when i found out we had a fight which lead to him filling for a divorce i cried and fell sick when i was searching about love quotes online i saw people talking about him and his great work whose case was similar to mine they left his contact info i contacted him and he told me not to worry that after 24hrs he will cancel the divorce and be back to me after i did everything he asked me to do to my greatest surprise the next day evening it was my husband he knelt down begging me to accept him back,thank you once again Dr Shola you are indeed a blessing to me he can also help youContact (24hrslovespell @gmail. com) you can also visit. https:// lovespellsolutiontemple. wordpress. com/contact/
Amanda, I just want to thank you for your dedication to the Lord and sharing your story. Thank you for your strength and your power in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that you continue to bless those little ones as a teacher and bless all others that you come in contact with and even the ones that you really don’t ever know but are here. I am one of them thank you. Brigid Anne
This truly blessed me. Thank you for allowing God to use you.
Hi everyone I am Emily Naomi wanna give a big thanks to this wonderful psychic for bringing my husband back to me.. I never really believed in magic spells or anything spiritual but a trusted friend opened my eyes to the truth about life. My marriage was heading to divorce a few months ago. I was so confused and devastated with no clue or help on how to prevent it, till I was introduced to this psychic Priest Ray that did a love spell and broke every spiritual distraction from my marriage. A day later my husband started showing me love and care even better than it used to be, he’s ready to talk things through and find ways for us to stay happy. It’s such a miracle that my marriage can be saved so quickly without stress. You can also contact him at psychicspellshrine.wixsite.com/my-site
The above-mentioned has been very edifying. I can now use the spiritual tools to overcome my anxiety. I find myself quoting scriptures and singing hymns not realising why I am doing it but it brings me great comfort
I am experiencing severe and persistent disturbances in my home, which I believe to be demonic entities. For over a year and a half, I’ve faced severe headaches, heavy body pressure, goosebumps, fever, chills, random foul odors, neck soreness, footsteps, knocks on walls, and moving shadows. I urgently seek your guidance and help to remove these entities from my home and body.
Much wisdom in this post, I thank and bless you as I share this with others.
Thank you Amanda for your teachings of God’s wisdom and knowledge of His word. I’m encouraged since I’m facing a spiritual warfare in my mind and my sons. I believe that the battle is won in Jesus’s name
Hello my sister I have been in relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years now and we were planning to get married soon, and all of a Sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across this great spell caster called Dr Baja so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his Email address and he assured me that in 24 hours time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after 24 hours. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr Baja and i advice if you need his help too contact him on Email ( drbajaspellhome@gmail.com) or his Facebook page.
It’s obvious people with HERPES or CANCER are being enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus for 4 years when I was introduced by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of using Dr Okosun Herbal Medicine. I took the same step to also get cured of HSV, I made an order from DR Okosun Herbal Medicine and after taking it for 4 weeks with a test result I was confirmed HERPES FREE. I have promised to keep telling the world about this. i recommend Dr Okosun herbs to y’all.
+2349117617336 or drokosun55@gmail.com
It’s obvious people with HERPES or CANCER are being enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I have been with the virus for 4 years when I was introduced by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of using Dr Okosun Herbal Medicine. I took the same step to also get cured of HSV, I made an order from DR Okosun Herbal Medicine and after taking it for 4 weeks with a test result I was confirmed HERPES FREE. I have promised to keep telling the world about this. i recommend Dr Okosun herbs to y’all.
+2349117617336 or drokosun55@gmail.com
Thank You for this article!🙏🏾
Thank you so much . For explaining how to deal with spiritual warfare.
There are two types of herpes simplex virus: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both virus types can cause sores around the mouth (herpes labialis) and on the genitals (genital herpes). It’s also crucial to learn as much as you can about your diagnosis. Seek options, Find out about what’s out there that could help, that was how i came across about Dr Okosun online, an african herbalist who eliminated my four years HSV with herbal supplement and today i,m permanently cured from herpes which i never believed was possible, I recommend Dr okosuns herbs to yall with any health issues. drokosun55@gmail.com
I am going through spiritual warfare that were I not experiencing it I would not believe it. i HAVE LOST MY APARTMENT,CLOTHES,CAR,EVERYTHING. HAVE ONLY THE CLOTHES ON MY BACK BUT i KNOW MY God! I am sending this to not only request prayers from my brothers and sisters but to encourage those who are going through it also to be strong. Stand up and sing a praise unto God and slap the devil in the face…Hard!!!! I love you and with the reading of this comment may God send angels of health and victory to you that you may know that the devil is a liar, a loser and hater extraordinaire!!! God bless you my brother, God keep you my sister and lets kick the devil to the curb and head on to the glorious victory Jesus Christ has already given us. Lets Go!!!!!!
God bless you
Thank you
Thank you so much Amanda I am a true believer in the most high God and his son Jesus . I needed to read this. QueenQueen
Great Study!!
I took notes🥰
Thank you so much you have helped me so much and answered a lot of my questions I’ve been wondering and gave me some of the best advice I’ve had I think God for you thank you so much I’m going through such terrible Warfare spiritual warfare and it’s terrible it’s just terrible I don’t understand everything I don’t know if it’s good I’m stupid and haven’t eighth grade education or I wouldn’t mean to understand I don’t know but I’m trying so hard to understand peace be with you my friend thank you very much God bless you
Thank you sooooo much. This has helped me tremendously. Now I can really start my day over with hope. Thank you. God bless you.
Thank you 🙏🏻 for sharing your knowledge on your journey. You’ve help me so much.
I’m so close to being released and the spiritual warfare is horrendous. Different than what I’ve experienced many time before. Father referring it as a toxic situation.
I would appreciate and your love prayer support!
I can’t wait to share this with my soulmate that Gods blessed me with. He reminds me we’er in this together.
God Bless,
I Hello. I would. Like to. Talk. With you. Maybe. You. Could. Help. Please. Give me a. Call at. 312-312-4339 Thank you
Praise the Lord of Hosts!
Thank you so very much, Amanda! This has been a TREMENDOUS HELP! Keep Thais up, please. I believe there are so many Christians
Who have little knowledge in spiritual warfare.
So vital to know and be ready and able to do battle with Satan! God bless, and keep you and protect you and yours from the Evil One.
Thanks again!
Wawooo… Thank you so much
I so needed this, this morning. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing the word of God and these helpful tips for spiritual warfare. God bless you!
The trilogy series centered on Christian spiritual warfare follows the gripping journey of Hezekiah, a Spirit Warrior chosen by Jesus Christ to confront demonic forces and spread God’s message of salvation. This epic narrative weaves together themes of faith, redemption, and divine purpose, offering readers a profound exploration of the battle between good and evil…
A powerful and insightful guide on navigating spiritual warfare with faith and resilience. The practical advice and heartfelt encouragement offer readers meaningful strategies to stand strong during challenges. Truly a valuable and uplifting read!
Thank you for this encouraging post, and for breaking what can seem an overwhelming sized battle down into practical, DOABLE steps!
This article blessed my heart today, as I prepare to join a group study on the topic of spiritual warfare at a new church. Satan would like nothing better than to deter me, but – Praise God! – the war has already been won, and He, the final victor. Thanks for the reminders and wisdom for staying strong in the interim battles.
I was completely devastated when my husband left me. The heartbreak pushed me into deep depression, and I felt like my world had collapsed. In desperation, I reached out to Dr. Peter, and to my amazement, within 24 hours, my husband came back, full of regret and love. I can’t thank Dr. Peter enough for saving my marriage and bringing happiness back into my life: Reach out to him on Call or Text
My name is ADAMO NATASHA, and I am from Florida. Thanks to Dr. SHAUN MURPHY for helping me to get pregnant after 8 years of marriage with my husband, JEFFERSON, without a child. We have been to several hospitals for checkups, and the doctors keep telling us that nothing is wrong with us. So my friend at my workplace linked me with this great spell caster, Dr. SHAUN MURPHY, who helped me to get pregnant. Now, I am a happy mother of a baby boy, and I am also pregnant with another baby. Thanks to you, Dr. SHAUN MURPHY… I am sharing this testimony to thank Dr. SHAUN MURPHY For what he did for me and my husband by getting pregnant with his powerful spell. It will assist in saving my marriage and bring joy and happiness to my family. I want to use this medium to tell other women out there who are having pregnancy issues not to wait for years like I did. Because the solution to your problem is right there with Dr. SHAUN MURPHY. I am so happy. If you also need help to get pregnant or need your ex back, please get in touch with Dr. SHAUN MURPHY for help. He can also help you with your problem today.