Letting go of perfectionism can be difficult for many of us. We tend to set unrealistic expectations for ourselves and then beat ourselves up when we don’t meet those expectations.
As a result, we feel discouraged and we may begin to self-sabotage ourselves in our sanctification process.
While we should all strive to see progression in our lives, we must remember we will never be perfect on this side of life.

Here are three encouraging truths to help you let go of perfectionism:
Rest in God
A lot of times when it comes to having a perfectionist mindset, we are striving to obtain these unrealistic goals.
We can do this in an attempt to be accepted by other people, or when we try to love ourselves as we are. We may even do this as we try to earn God’s Love
The truth is there is nothing that we can do to make God love us more.
God loves us perfectly regardless of how much work we think that we are doing or how well we think we’re doing in our journey as Christians.
Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
God will give you rest. We do not have to strive to obtain something that God is giving to us freely.
We absolutely cannot save ourselves. That is why Jesus came because we all needed a savior.
We can rest in God’s perfection and what He did for us on the cross.
2. be willing to Work with God As he Sanctifies you
Remember we can never be fully perfected here on Earth. But that does not mean that we don’t have a part to play in our sanctification process.
The sanctification process for a Christian is when we are learning how to properly walk out this righteous life God is calling us to live.
When you became a Christian you died to sin, but your sin nature is still in you. So, you have the new nature God gives you through Christ and your old fleshly nature.
As you walk with God, He is going to help you learn how to choose the new nature over the old fleshly nature.
During this process my friends, you will make mistakes. The key is to not beat yourself up and self sabotage yourself.
As we confess our sins, turn away from our old nature, and have people hold us accountable, God will continue to cleanse us and purify us from sin.
Having a perfectionist mindset can really be hard after you’ve fallen into sin. Because then you may internalize your misstep and say to yourself, “I’m not enough and there’s no point in continuing to fight the good fight.”
Know what God’s word says about who you are in Him now. God is faithful to work in you and complete the work in you.
Philippians 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
Yes! God is faithful to complete the good work that he has begun in you. God is going to do His part, we just need to do our part and cooperate with him. He is faithful and we can trust him to the end.
3. Trust in God, don’t give up!
As a perfectionist, I want things to happen yesterday! but that is not how this walk works. It takes time for God to work in us and for us to cooperate with him and be transformed.
Not having patience can really be dangerous. This is because sometimes, when we get impatient we want to take things into our own hands, and most of the time that leads us to more sin.
So, that is why it’s important for us to trust in God’s timing and to have grace on ourselves. We have to receive God’s grace, mercy, love, and kindness. And in return we have to also give that to ourselves.
God can help you to keep on going! This is not a sprint, but a marathon.
Your sanctification process is a life-long process. You will not be perfect until Jesus comes back and you are in heaven. This should encourage you to enjoy your journey and truly learn from your mistakes.
Truly be open to see what God is showing you.
James 1:4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
It is important for us to never give up in our journey. We must continue to move forward and be matured in the Lord. But let us not be so hard on ourselves when we do fail. For God is with us and he will give us the strength we need.
As you rest in the Lord, let go of perfectionism and trust the Perfect One.
Amanda N.
Amanda is a college student, preservice teacher, and a soon-to-be licensed Early Childhood Educator. She has a heart for God, people, and worship. Amanda serves at her church as a worship singer and is one of the core leaders of their Young Adults Ministry called: The Harbor. When she is not at church, school, or work, she loves to spend time with her friends and family. Her goal in life is to bring glory to God and share His love with others. Amanda desires to point people to Jesus- the answer to all their pain, hopelessness, brokenness, and emptiness. You can follow Amanda and her journey on Instagram @beautifully.amanda.
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